Prompted: Three AI Tools We’re Loving Right Now

Two colleagues collaborating at a desk, with a woman pointing at a computer screen while a man in glasses closely observes

At Tier One, our content creators and media whisperers are always on the lookout for new AI tools that can help us work more effectively and creatively across our agency practices. We know not every AI-powered-whatever can actually give you the better, faster, stronger it promises, and it can be hard to sift through the hype. But we’ve battle tested these three tools and think they’re worth adding to your workflows.

For Designers: Easier Code Editing With Cursor

Cursor is quickly becoming a new favorite coding tool for many developers and designers — even those making AI tools themselves. The AI coding assistant allows users to generate new code, troubleshoot existing code, and even ask questions about the code — all through natural language commands.

Cursor can generate and edit code using natural language commands. Screenshot from Cursor.

What we like: Cursor has a simple, intuitive interface that doesn’t require an hour-long video tutorial to understand (or 40 minutes, since we’re watching at 1.5x speed, natch). And its natural language capabilities make it easy to use for even the more technically illiterate. But what really stood out to us is its reliability — while many code generators still feel hit or miss to our designers, Cursor had the most consistently accurate results in our tests and made version control easy when things still weren’t quite right.

Potential cons: While the free version of Cursor is powerful, some of its privacy and security features are locked behind a premium paywall, so be careful to avoid sharing any confidential details if you’re not ready to spring for the full priced product. 

For Media Relations: Talk to Your Articles With TLDR This

As PR pros, we’ve constantly got our noses in the news. What stories is a reporter covering? What trends are emerging in our clients’ industries? What does this confusing technical article about the housing market actually say? TLDR This helps answer these questions as we browse. The summarizer can digest any web page or document and offer a quick, too-long-didn’t-read synopsis, as well as answer any questions about the content.

TLDR This suggests follow up questions to make your content interactive. Screenshot from TLDR This.

What we like: Instead of just a basic summary, TLDR This makes content interactive by letting you ask questions (and follow-up questions) about the text, aiding in understanding and efficiency. And because it’s available as a browser extension, you don’t need to keep porting your links into a chatbot like ChatGPT and can access the tool directly from the article you’re interrogating.

Potential cons: TLDR This can’t help you get around paywalls — though we respect our journalist peers enough to recognize this is actually a pro for protecting their copyrights. 

For Digital Marketers: Up Your GEO Game With HubSpot’s AI Search Grader

Our new favorite piece of marketing jargon? GEO. Generative Engine Optimization is the AI equivalent of SEO, and requires a new set of skills and strategies. As AI search grows, it’s becoming increasingly important to optimize your brand for the new world of search. HubSpot’s AI Search Grader is a solid starting point for your AI optimization journey. The tool scores your brand on search sentiment and share of voice, helping you understand where and how your brand appears in actual AI-powered searches.

HubSpot's AI Search Grader offers a sentiment and SOV score based on your AI search results. Screenshot from HubSpot.

What we like: While doing a quick search for your brand with an AI tool like ChatGPT can give you a general idea of your search performance, the AI Search Grader synthesizes information for a full-picture view. Based on its assessment, it also offers actionable insights on where you have room for improvement. And as a HubSpot certified partner, we’re pretty confident the info is coming from a reliable source. 

Potential cons: The landscape of AI search is still developing. While the AI Search Grader outputs a numerical score for your search performance, it doesn’t yet hold the weight of the traditional SEO metrics we’ve come to know and love (<3 Core Web Vitals <3).

Testing, Testing

It seems like 100 new AI tools make headlines every day, and it would be easier to just stick to the programs we’re already familiar with. But to actually be able to take advantage of AI’s promises, you have to do a little digging … and a lot of experimenting. By regularly testing and vetting these tools, we make sure our team and clients stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry. Stay tuned as we continue to explore and share the AI tools that make a real impact.

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