Social Summer School: Social Live Video Cheat Sheet


Studying for your Social Summer School exams? This week’s lesson has all the answers to picking the perfect platform in our Social Live Video Cheat Sheet.

Lesson of the Week: Live Video

Live social video is growing as fast as summer is passing by, and with plenty of live platforms to choose from, figuring out which one is right for you can be a little hazy. Tier One is here to ease your social stress with our at-a-glance guide to the who, what, where, when and why of Live.

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Required Reading

Don’t forget to promote your stream across all social platforms before you go live! YouTube and Meerkat have scheduling capabilities, but other than that, it’s all on you. Be sure to create a post (or a few) to let people know when, where and what you’ll be streaming.

Extra Credit

Now that you know the basics, here’s some Live stream-spiration for you before you take the plunge!


Written with help from Grace Rasulo

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